Two $500 scholarships will be awarded to registered St. Pius X students entering Xavier Catholic Schools grades K-12 who are actively involved at the parish. Applications are due Feb 21.
The much-anticipated season is back where coffee and doughnuts is served after our Sunday Morning Masses and we are looking for volunteers of hospitality.
Girls ages 13-18 are invited for a lock-in focusing on the virtues of: Purity, Faithfulness & Nobility. There will be inspiring talks, games, crafts and much more.
The St. Pius X Summer Festival Silent Auction Committee for this year is seeking donations and handcrafted items of all kinds for the Auction (August 23 - 25).
If your child is interested in being an altar server, or they are already an altar server, now is the time to sign up to be trained, or have their training refreshed.
Join the Appleton Catholic Womens Group for a Mid-Summer Faith Gathering filled with fun, and fellowship. Children are welcome and childcare is provided.